CV, Covering Letter and Job Application Proofreading Services

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If you are looking for a new job, you know you need to make a great impression. CVs and cover letters must be absolutely error-free if you are to have success, so you need to make sure you are submitting the best possible representation of yourself.

Your CV (short for Curriculum Vitae) must showcase your knowledge, skills and experience in a condensed and concise way. This makes it particularly important that you choose the right words, to show off your “best self”.

At a time when there is high competition for many job openings, applicants simply cannot risk sending off sub-standard documents and expect to be taken as seriously as a candidate.

As a proofreader, I approach CVs, job applications and covering letters from several different angles.

1) Spelling, punctuation and grammar

These are things you would expect from any proofreader; they are the absolute minimum. Submitting a job application with a typo in the cover letter, for instance, does not bear thinking about, so the first stage of my work is to ensure that every word, every comma, and every sentence is correct.

2) Clarity

If you send a seven-page CV to a recruiter, it will almost certainly be ignored. This means that every word in the document has to count, and sometimes it takes somebody who has a bit of distance to spot when a point has been repeated or when a sentence could be shortened. The second stage of my work on a CV, therefore, is to go through it and make sure your points are expressed clearly and concisely.

3) Consistency

An error I come across frequently in CVs and job applications is inconsistency in language and punctuation. When examples of, for instance, work experience are sometimes listed in the passive voice, sometimes in the past tense and sometimes in note form, it makes it confusing to read and it looks sloppy.

By streamlining any inconsistencies in the content of your CV, I will make sure that it comes across as the impressive professional document it is meant to be.

4) The best possible you

Job applications, cover letters, resumes and CVs need to really show off your skills and abilities. If I spot a sentence or paragraph that does not portray you in the best light, I will suggest alterations that are more reflective of your most positive attributes.

Job Application, Covering Letter and CV Proofreading Fees

I offer proofreading services at very affordable prices so, if you are stepping up your job search, make sure your efforts do not go to waste.

My standard fees are below. If you have a more in-depth query, please get in touch with more details and I will be happy to give you a quote for the services.

  • CV proofreading, 1 – 2 pages: £15 
  • CV proofreading, 3 pages: £22.50
  • CV proofreading, 4 pages: £30
  • Cover letter, 1 – 2 pages: £15
  • Cover letter, 3 pages: £22.50
  • SPECIAL OFFER: CV, 1 – 2 pages and covering letter, 1 – 2 pages: £27 (including a £3 discount)
  • Job application, 1 – 2 pages: £15
  • Job application, 3 pages: £22.50
  • Job application, 4 pages: £30
  • Longer CVs or cover letters and job applications are not normally advisable. However, in certain circumstances they can be appropriate. If this is the case for you, please contact me with details and I will let you know the fee for the work.

Recent work includes

  • Proofreading a teacher’s job application
  • Proofreading a CV for a museum curator
  • Proofreading a cover letter for a product manager

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