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MP3 pods

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A selection of my best writing in 2022

2022 has been a really interesting year for me professionally. My role at Now Then magazine, where I was a community correspondent focusing on reporting on the LGBTQ+ and disability communities, changed as I took over as editor for six months to cover the regular editor's parental leave. Since he has come back to work, we are sharing the role, and I am still focusing on my original remit as well. I spend half my working week at Now Then and the other half freelancing. Most of my freelance work this year has been editing, whether at Global Comment or doing sensitivity editing for a range of authors and publishing companies. As a result of that, most of my writing this year has been either for private clients, mostly in…
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For attendees of my CIOL presentation on proofreading and copywriting

Hi! Thank you so much for attending this talk. I hope you took away some valuable nuggets that you will be able to put to use in your work. As promised, here are some links that I mentioned in the talk that you might want to follow up on. Podcasts for language nerds Books on language for writers, proofreaders, translators and editors The CoSchedule Headline Analyzer Grammarly ProWritingAid Hemingway Capitalize My Title OneLook Online courses with Udemy 50 free online writing courses Editors' Association of Earth Facebook group Grammar Girl: Quick and Dirty Tips Grammar Exchange People Who Constantly Point Out Grammar Mistakes Are Pretty Much Jerks, Scientists Find “What a pity, there are so many errors!” What mistakes really matter to consumers? Exactly which personality types silently…
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Books on language for writers, proofreaders, translators and editors

One of the reasons I work with words is that language is endlessly fascinating. From my degree in French to the podcasts I listen to and the books I read about the English language, there is always more to know. As a writer and proofreader, I rely on some of the books listed below for my work. But as a linguist, I read the rest for fun. The links below are for Amazon. If you would prefer to support independent bookshops, try Hive Books or in the UK or Bookshop or IndieBound in the USA. For people in other countries, a quick Google should help you to find an independent alternative. Books about proofreading It's an art and a science and a business McGraw-Hill's Proofreading Handbook by Laura Killen…
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A bit of background: an interview with… me

Last week, I was approached by Rebecca Wren, an aspiring writer. She was writing a university assignment about the career she wants to enter - writing - and wanted to ask me some questions to help to guide her in both her uni work and her path to her future career. I answered her questions and it turned out to be quite an extensive piece of work! So Rebecca agreed that I could reproduce my answers here. I'm all about repurposing content, especially when it's 1500 words long. What inspired you to become a freelancer in different fields of writing? I had a blog, which I started in the days when you still had to explain what a blog was! I then joined a feminist group blog, where my writing…
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Something interesting…

After all the fun we had making the A Little Bird Told Me podcast, when Lorrie then went on maternity leave, I felt a podcast-shaped hole in my life. So I set up Freelance Confidence where you can find podcast episodes, blog posts and an email newsletter with top freelancing advice. But after choosing to take a medium- to long-term break from the Freelance Confidence podcast, I decided that if I could find a niche that was not at all work related, it could function nicely as a side-hobby and hopefully I would associate it more with fun again. So I thought about what I look for in a great podcast (for I have a serious podcast habit!) and decided I preferred interview formats to solo shows, and that my main…
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Book Recommendation: The Freelance Writer’s Guide to Making $1,000 More This Month

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="338" class="zemanta-img"] Bookshelf (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption] You may remember Mridu Khullar Relph who I interviewed on the podcast recently. Well, she's written a book. And it's really good. Full disclosure: Mridu and I are friends and she gave me a free copy of the book. However, if I thought it was terrible I would simply have never mentioned it again. Instead, having read it and been inspired, I actually can't recommend it highly enough. Firstly, her credentials. Mridu has years of experience in journalism and counts the New York Times and TIME amongst her credits; this shows in her writing. The Freelance Writer's Guide to Making $1,000 More This Month is packed full of tips to get more work and improve your income and these tips are not vague, they are…
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Freelancing while offline: can we work without the web?

I currently have no broadband access at home. Just take a moment to absorb that: No. Broadband. Access. I know, it's a practically mediaeval state of affairs but, until Thursday, it's how it is. In a bid to be mature and not completely freak out, I spent the days before the outage gathering together apps, software, websites and tips on managing without WiFi while still trying to run a business. And stay sane(ish). So, in this post I will go through some of the best ideas and tools available for coping without a regular broadband connection. Preparation I was in the fortunate position of having a few days' notice of my impending broadband outage. This meant that I had the chance to do a degree of preparation for as many eventualities…
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Copy: new cloud storage alternative to Dropbox and Google Drive

As a freelancer, making sure your work and records are backed up is vital. Losing valuable documents can get you in trouble with everybody from clients and editors to the tax man. I tend to double up my backing up, using both an external hard drive and online cloud services. This may seem like overkill, but you only need one massive hard drive failure to leave you in a real mess. The other great thing about cloud storage is that you can access your files from any computer, so wherever you are, you can find your work. Google Drive is great for volume and reliability, but the user interface leaves a lot to be desired. It is not at all intuitive, and things can be difficult to find. Dropbox is…
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Episode 69: How to hire a decent writer or editor, the dos and don’ts you need to know

Lorrie outsources some of her work to other freelance writers, and writers all over the world hire proofreaders and editors to help them to perfect their masterpieces. But how on earth do you go about finding the right person for the job? It can be a big decision, and a big responsibility, so in this episode of the podcast, Lorrie gives you the dos and don'ts you need to know. Show Notes Copywriting contract template Episode 20: Goal Planning - Your Freelance Aims for 2013 Episode 23: How to Decide What to Charge for your Freelance Writing Services Episode 24: The Art of Getting Paid Episode 25: Why and How to Charge More For Your Freelance Writing 7 Sins of Newbie Entrepreneurs. There are several ways to make sure that…
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