Search Results for: podcast

Podcast Episode 42: Project creep: how to cope with clients who want to stretch your good will.

In this episode, Lorrie and I discuss what to do when a client project starts to grow and grow but annoyingly your pay cheque doesn't. We talk about different situations where this can occur and how to extricate yourself from it, as it can develop into a really tricky situation. We also look at whether prevention is better than a cure, how to cope with clients who want to socialise with you, and where to find 37 free ebooks about journalistic writing. Show Notes Let me google that for you Episode 24: The Art of Getting Paid Writers: How not to suck at marketing 37 free e-books on journalism There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me. Subscribe via RSS Subscribe…
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Podcast Episode 41: The Importance of Professional Courtesy

We all grew up being told that manners cost nothing, and it's never more true than when you are running your own freelance writing business. Treating your clients and fellow freelancers with courtesy is a must, and it is not unreasonable to expect the same in return. In this solo episode Lorrie talks about the importance of professional courtesy for freelancers and gives some handy hints and tips about achieving it, even in trying situations! Show Notes How to format an e-book. The sad smell of desperation: Turning one-off clients into repeat business: There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me. Subscribe via RSS Subscribe via iTunes Find us on Stitcher Smart Radio And finally, please 'like' us on Facebook to be the first…
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Podcast Episode 40: What to do when you run out of ideas, AKA what Pippa Middleton’s bum can teach us about finding writing inspiration

Every writer, at some stage or another, gets hit by a sudden lack of ideas. It's depressing and can even be frightening, but there are ways to jolt your mind back into thinking creatively again. In this podcast episode, Lorrie and I discuss several tips and tricks you can use to reboot your creative mind and shake writers' block off for good. Show Notes Quora Google Alerts The guy who got a job by targeting PPC ads to vanity searches The guy who lost his entire Google, Apple, Amazon and Twitter presence in 15 minutes after his password was hacked Limit Login Attempts free Wordpress Plugin Featuring the hat stuck in the tree story: 47 Hilariously Underwhelming Local News Headlines Safestyle Windows Secret Door Mapcrunch There are several ways to make sure…
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Podcast Episode 39: How to turn one-off clients into repeat business

Keeping and nurturing existing clients is a more reliable and less time-consuming way to conduct your freelance writing business, when compared to doing lots of one-off pieces of work for all and sundry. You don't need to spend as much time marketing yourself, and you can build on existing good relationships rather than constantly starting new ones. In this podcast, I talk about the 13 top tips to turn one-off clients into repeat business and there is, of course, the Little Bird Recommendation of the Week too. Show Notes Episode 8: Essential Software and Online Apps for Freelance Writers Twitter Law There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me. Subscribe via RSS Subscribe via iTunes Find us on Stitcher Smart Radio…
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Podcast Episode 38: How to break into new freelance writing markets

It's easy to get into a rut with freelance writing, especially if your career has drifted rather than been planned out and focused. So if you have found yourself mainly working in an area of writing that doesn't thrill you, or if you have ambitions that you aren't sure how to reach, this episode of the podcast is just what you need. We talk about how to transition from one freelance writing market to another, so listen on and enjoy. Show Notes Episode 7: Freelance Writing - To Specialise or Not to Specialise Episode 33: How to deal with a crisis of faith Source Bottle The Women's Room Ian McMillan and Stephen Fry talk Yorkshire accents There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird…
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Podcast Episode 37: Freelance Writers and Social Proof – What it is, why you need it and how to get it

Wiki[pedia describes social proof as, "a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation". Basically, we are tempted to replicate whatever we see people around us doing. Social proof can play an important role in marketing and self-promotion for a freelance writer, and in this solo episode, Lorrie looks in more detail at what it is, why it's important, and how you can harness it to win, and keep, more work. Show Notes Episode 31: Gaining Credibility as a Freelancer and Specialist - 10 Tips to Get to the Top Episode 15: Guest Blogging for Exposure, Brand Building, Backlinks and More Episode 9: The Sad Smell of Desperation thinglink There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A…
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Podcast Episode 36: Visual clues to professionalism

  Working from home might feel like an endless opportunity to work in your pyjamas, but there are times when it is really important to think about your visual appearance - including the appearance of your website and social media profile pages. In this episode, Lorrie and I talk about lots of aspects of your visual presentation, including how you need to prepare for Skype conversations, and how to choose a business name.         Show Notes   How to name your business: Facebook discussion   The top 50 most embarrassing domain names ever purchased   Clients from Hell   The Essentials of Reuters sourcing   Coursera   There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me.   Subscribe…
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Podcast Episode 35: No portfolio? No problem. Get writing work without published clips.

We ran out of storage space for our earliest episodes. But fear not, we have made these many, many hours of freelance writing goodness available for just £10. If you want access to them all, please click Add to Cart and buy through our e-junkie account for instant access. Lots of new freelance writers fear that they will never get any work because they don't have published articles or novels already. However, when you remember that every successful freelancer started out in the same way, it becomes clear that it is definitely possible to get hired as a writer even if you have no clips to show. But how, exactly? In this podcast episode, I go through lots of different ways to get yourself some clips, build up your portfolio,…
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Podcast Episode 34: Sociable or Spammy? Pitching your marketing to be enticing, not annoying

We ran out of storage space for our earliest episodes. But fear not, we have made these many, many hours of freelance writing goodness available for just £10. If you want access to them all, please click Add to Cart and buy through our e-junkie account for instant access. Freelancers need to constantly market themselves and their services in order to keep the work coming in. To make sure that your self-promotional efforts hit the mark and don't put potential clients off or even offend them, Lorrie and I made this podcast episode to summarise some of the most crucial dos and don'ts for four different marketing platforms. Show Notes Buffer App Condescending Corporate Brand Page Writing a Better Elevator Pitch How to work long periods at your desk and…
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Podcast Episode 33: How to deal with a crisis of faith

We ran out of storage space for our earliest episodes. But fear not, we have made these many, many hours of freelance writing goodness available for just £10. If you want access to them all, please click Add to Cart and buy through our e-junkie account for instant access. Freelancing can be a really tough business. While it's a common preconception that working from home and working for yourself are an easy ride, like any other job being a freelance copywriter has its ups and downs. In this solo episode, Lorrie discusses what to do if you feel like your freelance writing career has reached crisis point. She talks about how to tell the difference between a career crisis and a temporary blip, and outlines a number of helpful solutions…
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