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Podcast Episode 62: How to meet – and exceed – your clients’ needs

[tweetherder]Retaining existing freelance clients is generally much easier than constantly finding new ones[/tweetherder], so it's important to ensure that you are always seeking to meet, and exceed, their expectations. If someone hires you, make sure you are impressive! In this podcast episode, Lorrie and I recommend various ways to make sure that you correctly identify the needs of your clients, and how to go about meeting them. Show Notes Episode 18: How to network like a ninja Episode 13: How to be responsive and flexible without losing the plot Lousy Book Covers Lorrie's favourite lousy book cover I couldn't decide whether this one or this one was the best / worst. Free Download: 50 customizable call-to-action templates There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told…
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Podcast Episode 61: How To Start Freelancing In 2014

Sometimes the hardest thing is to just get started, so if you are really committed to making freelance writing your full-time business, in this solo episode Lorrie outlines her freelance business planning blueprint. Follow her suggestions to be up and running as a freelance writer in just six weeks. Show Notes ALBTM 17 - How To Create An Editorial Calendar ALBTM 18 - How To Network Like A Ninja ALBTM 20 - Goalplanning: your freelance writing aims for 2013 ALBTM 23 - How to decide what to charge for your freelance writing services ALBTM 24 - The art of getting paid ALBTM 25 - why and How to Charge More For Your Freelance Writing Monthly budget template Akismet Limit login attempts There are several ways to make sure that…
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Podcast Episode 60: Dealing with Sexual Harassment and Sexism from Freelance Clients

Many freelancers, especially those who are women or belong to minority groups, will have had an experience of being patronised, not taken seriously, or harassed. Unfortunately, these kinds of oppressive behaviours can really have a negative effect on a person's health and wellbeing, as well as their business. In my own experience, and that of Lorrie's, this can be a particular risk in sectors which have traditionally been male-dominated, but it can happen anywhere, so in this podcast we talk about how freelancers can recognise when they are being treated inappropriately, and what they can do when it happens. Show Notes How to Handle Sexual Harassment from a Client A Woman In Your Own Right: Assertiveness and You (Anne Dickson) - USA / UK Online in 60 Seconds ShareGrab There are several ways to…
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Podcast Episode 59: Make Your Hobbies Pay – How Freelance Writers Can Earn Cash with Topics They Love in Niches They Already Understand

Are you looking to boost your freelancing income? There might be some areas close to your heart that you haven't considered tapping before... check out this week's podcast to find out more and get some potentially lucrative ideas! In my work I can be called upon to write on a wide variety of topics, but sometimes when I'm searching my brain for a suitable subject to write about I overlook some of the most obvious ideas: those things I love and am passionate about. Most people have a number of hobbies and interests outside of writing, and our knowledge and expertise in these areas can be tapped to produce ideas to write about, and to inform our writing. So in this podcast episode, I talk about a number of ways to…
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Podcast Episode 58: Getting through #NANOWRIMO without tearing your hair out

As November rapidly approaches, thousands of people across the world are getting ready to spend the month undertaking the ridiculous but awesome task of writing an entire novel in 30 days. In this episode of the freelance writing podcast, we take listeners through tonnes of tips and advice for making it through unscathed, and winning the challenge with 50,000 words written by the end of the month. With guidance for every week of the challenge, #NANOWRIMO participants can find ways to keep their creativity flowing, keep their motivation high and, if absolutely necessary, introduce an alien invasion into their period drama. Show Notes NANOWRIMO Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg UK / Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within (USA) Relentless by Simon Kernick (UK) / Relentless (USA)…
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Podcast Episode 57: The lowdown on proofreading and editing

Like many freelance writers, I also offer proofreading services. It's a part of my job that I love, and in this podcast episode, Lorrie and I go down and dirty into the world of proofreading and editing, looking at the difference between the two roles, how to explain to clients what you offer, and how to choose your own proofreader or editor if you need one in the course of your writing work. Show Notes Simple Errors in Social Marketing Alienate UK Users Episode 19: How to Proofread Your Own Work Episode 23: How to Decide What to Charge for your Freelance Writing Services Episode 4: Hot Topic: Writing and Editing for free - is it ever OK? 120 Marketing Tactics For Your Blog (Infographic) The art of the interview There are several…
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Podcast Episode 56: Seven reasons to fire a freelance writer

What, as a freelance writer, should you never, ever do? What reasons would a client be justified in firing you? In this solo episode, Lorrie gets tough and outlines the seven top reasons she will fire a freelancer. Show Notes Episode 19: How to Proofread Your Own Work Episode 55: How to Deal with Rejection The 45 Inbound Marketing Terms You Should Know (HubSpot) There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me. Subscribe via RSS Subscribe via iTunes Find us on Stitcher Smart Radio And finally, please 'like' us on Facebook to be the first to hear our news and to talk with us about what you hear on the podcast! Transcript Hello and welcome to episode 56 of A Little Bird Told Me:…
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Podcast Episode 55: Coping with Rejection

Part of being a freelancer is facing rejection, sometimes repeatedly. It can be really tough when your work is not wanted, whether that is a pitch for a magazine feature, an approach to a literary agent that goes wrong, or a business that just isn't keen on your suggestion of content. It is important to not take this personally, but that is easier said than done. In this solo podcast episode, I talk about numerous different ways to cope with rejection, so you can brush yourself off and keep going. Show Notes Yes, your submission phobia is holding you back Why Freelancers Are Saving the Internet There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me. Subscribe via RSS Subscribe via iTunes…
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Podcast Episode 54: How to expand your freelance writing business

Do you want to grow your freelance business? Take on new clients and work on more projects without dropping your regular, steady work? In this episode, Lorrie and I talk about how to expand your freelance writing business, as well as the different reasons why you might want to grow. Show Notes SWOT Analysis Episode 20: Goal Planning - Your Freelance Aims for 2013 The Freelancing Mindset: Don't be Afraid 12 Nonprofit marketing emails that actually convert There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me. Subscribe via RSS Subscribe via iTunes Find us on Stitcher Smart Radio And finally, please 'like' us on Facebook to be the first to hear our news and to talk with us about what you hear on the…
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Podcast Episode 53: Get a makeover in a morning – very quick tips to transform your freelance business

Running a freelance writing business can be pretty hectic at times, and while there are plenty of tasks you know you should be doing it can be hard to find the time. In this podcast episode, Lorrie goes through some quick hits to boost your business in no time at all. Show Notes Boomerang for Gmail Cam Scanner ALBTM 51 - Essential Smartphone Apps For Freelance Writers ALBTM 52 - Episode 52: The Freelance Writers' Guide to LinkedIn Success ALBTM 48 - How to stop your business losing money ALBTM 50 - How to stop your business losing money TED talks Eventbrite There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me. Subscribe via RSS Subscribe via iTunes Find us on Stitcher…
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