I was a guest on the No Shame In My Name podcast

I was a guest on the No Shame In My Name podcast

Podcast, Speaking
I was recently invited onto the No Shame In My Name podcast. It's a podcast I already listened to and I invited the host to take part in Global Comment's Podcast Showcase, after which she invited me to be a guest on the show. I had a really fun chat with Juliana about the name Philippa, the name's odd meaning, and my thoughts about names and how they impact our lives. Plus what I'd call my imaginary children. Listen, and enjoy! Transcript Hi guys, you're now listening to Episode 75 of the No Shame In My Name podcast. I'm Juliana and today we're joined by special guest. Philippa Willitts. Hi, Philippa, thank you so much for coming on. Thank you. Tell us more about what you do. I have a…
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I was a guest on the Crippled Stomp podcast

I was a guest on the Crippled Stomp podcast

Disabled writer, Podcast, Speaking
Last week, Shabaaz Mohammed invited me to be a guest on his intriguingly named podcast Crippled Stomp. Always keen to talk all things disability, I said yes. We had a great chat about white men failing upwards, abuse in ATUs, the French far right, having EMDR for PTSD. Amongst much, much more. The article I discussed is here.   The transcript below was auto-transcribed, so expect errors. Hello, and welcome to another episode of crippled stomp. Today we have another guest. Oh you and Pippa will introduce yourself over the paper. Hi everybody, I'm Pippa or Philippa either goes, not pick that like that. But I'm Philippa Willitts I am a freelance writer and editor, and I have done a lot of disability rights campaigning and feminist campaigning and LGBTQ…
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Podcasts for language nerds

Podcasts for language nerds

Language, Podcast
I'm unapologetically addicted to podcasts. I listen to them constantly and have made several of my own (with a potential new one in the pipeline), and listening is currently my favourite way to learn. When I need a new skill, I find podcasts that talk about it. When I need an update on a topic I already know about, I find podcasts that talk about it. When I need to relax, I listen to podcasts. When I need to laugh, I listen to podcasts... you get the idea. So it made sense to find a great pile of language-related podcasts to share here. Many writers, editors and proofreaders, and those who hire us, are language nerds so I have found you a wide range of podcasts on all aspects of…
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Something interesting…

Something interesting…

news, Podcast
After all the fun we had making the A Little Bird Told Me podcast, when Lorrie then went on maternity leave, I felt a podcast-shaped hole in my life. So I set up Freelance Confidence where you can find podcast episodes, blog posts and an email newsletter with top freelancing advice. But after choosing to take a medium- to long-term break from the Freelance Confidence podcast, I decided that if I could find a niche that was not at all work related, it could function nicely as a side-hobby and hopefully I would associate it more with fun again. So I thought about what I look for in a great podcast (for I have a serious podcast habit!) and decided I preferred interview formats to solo shows, and that my main…
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Podcast Episode 79: Turn a drawback into a strength and boost your freelance career – an interview with Mridu Khullar Relph

Freelancing, Podcast
Many freelancers are in a situation that could work against them in the commercial or media market. Combining freelancing with caring responsibilities, living in a part of the world that has a poor reputation for the quality of its writers, or having health problems or being disabled (as I am), for example. In this episode of the podcast, I interview Mridu Khullar Relph, a freelance writer who has written for the likes of the New York Times, Time magazine, Ms magazine and more, and we discuss how you can turn something that is arguably a disadvantage into something that is undeniably a strength! Apologies for the inconsistent sound quality in parts of this interview. However, it's well worth tolerating it for the great content! Show notes Mridu's website (UK / US) The…
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I was interviewed on the @CherishedIdeas podcast: freelancing, pricing and marketing yourself

I was interviewed on the @CherishedIdeas podcast: freelancing, pricing and marketing yourself

Freelance Self-Promotion, Freelancing, Podcast
[caption id="attachment_1703" align="aligncenter" width="492"] "Often, I find, my most creative thinking has to come in my work that involves the most boring topics" - Philippa Willitts[/caption]   [tweetherder]Listen to @PhilippaWrites talk to @CherishedIdeas about freelancing: [/tweetherder] A couple of months ago, I was really excited to get an interview request from the then-new Cherished Ideas podcast. It is a podcast for freelancers of all stripes and I chatted to Simon Knapp all about freelancing, how to make it work, how to stay up to date, and plenty more. [tweetherder]"Often, I find, my most creative thinking has to come in my work that involves the most boring topics"[/tweetherder] Have a listen below, enjoy, and let me know what you think! [tweetherder]"Guest blogging doesn't have to be for free. I guest blog and…
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Podcast Episode 78: How to self-publish without embarrassing yourself

Self-published books have a bad reputation and, sadly, that is partly the fault of self-publishers themselves. If you want to publish your own work, it's time to up your game. In this podcast episode, Lorrie and I explain a series of self-publishing 'don'ts' and offer recommendations and tips to make sure your self-published work is the best it can be. Show Notes DIY: How to Understand Self-Publishing Acronyms Lousy Book Covers Fiverr Authors are a**holes Written? Kitten! There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me. Subscribe via RSS Subscribe via iTunes Find us on Stitcher Smart Radio And finally, do 'like' us on Facebook to be the first to hear our news and to talk with us about what you hear on the…
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Podcast Episode 77: What to do if a client won’t stop bugging you

Sometimes, freelance writing clients cross the line. They might send text messages to check you got the email they sent moments earlier, call you at 7pm on a Saturday night, or email 12 times a day to check on progress. In this solo episode, Lorrie goes through some tricks and tips to return professional distance to a working relationship. Show Notes 35 tech terms translated into plain English There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me. Subscribe via RSS Subscribe via iTunes Find us on Stitcher Smart Radio And finally, 'like' us on Facebook to be the first to hear our news and to talk with us about what you hear on the podcast!
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Podcast Episode 76: Writing for Agencies

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="292"] Don Draper of Mad Men works on Madison Avenue (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption] Many freelancers are curious about the idea of writing for agencies, which can be a great way to boost the stability and income of your freelance writing business but it doesn't suit everybody! In this podcast episode, Lorrie and I discuss how to decide whether writing for agencies is right for you and, if so, to how to find the best agencies to suit your needs and working style. Show Notes If you’re feeling unappreciated, give someone else credit 14 brilliant pieces of literature you can read in the time it takes to eat lunch Freelance writing: to specialise or not to specialise There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss…
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Podcast Episode 75: Twitter Tools to Streamline Your Social Media Marketing

Do you find that you waste time posting on Twitter and keeping track of your followers? Social media is an unavoidable part of marketing a freelance business, but there are tools available that can help freelancers to avoid wasting time and energy on their Twitter tasks. In this podcast episode, I talk you through a series of tools that can help you to streamline your Twitter marketing and make it a far more efficient process. Show Notes Tweetdeck Hootsuite Buffer ManageFlitter FollowerWonk Tweriod Tweepi Twitter is like… There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me. Subscribe via RSS Subscribe via iTunes Find us on Stitcher Smart Radio And finally, please 'like' us on Facebook to be the first to hear our news and to…
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