Tattoo proofreading: preventing disasters before they happen!

Tattoo proofreading: preventing disasters before they happen!

About Proofreading Tattoos can be beautiful, glorious representations of art or complex emotions, carefully applied to our skin by specialists who take pride in their art. They can also be drunken mistakes carved out after midnight in Ibiza, leading to embarrassment and cover-ups at a later date. If you are planning a new tattoo and it will involve text, let me help you to make sure you don't get anything disastrous inked into your skin permanently. Let me check the spelling, the punctuation, and the word order to ensure you go into the artist's studio equipped to be given the perfect inking. Find out more about tattoo proofreading and how much it costs (virtually nothing, actually!) here. Prevention is better than a cure. Or, in this case, prevention is better than laser…
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New proofreading services listed on the website

New proofreading services listed on the website

About Proofreading
I spend so much of my life creating content for other people's websites that I frequently neglect my own. Weeds start to grow and I put post and page ideas on a list that is ignored for weeks and months on end. Then, one day, I get myself together and remind myself that this little corner of the interwebs is my connection to you. The whole point is to let you know that there are problems I can solve, and when I write about them here, you become aware that you can get help with this stuff. Keep failing to get job interviews after sending in your CV? Check out my CV proofreading services Want British young women to be able to relate to the characters and story in your…
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Something interesting…

Something interesting…

news, Podcast
After all the fun we had making the A Little Bird Told Me podcast, when Lorrie then went on maternity leave, I felt a podcast-shaped hole in my life. So I set up Freelance Confidence where you can find podcast episodes, blog posts and an email newsletter with top freelancing advice. But after choosing to take a medium- to long-term break from the Freelance Confidence podcast, I decided that if I could find a niche that was not at all work related, it could function nicely as a side-hobby and hopefully I would associate it more with fun again. So I thought about what I look for in a great podcast (for I have a serious podcast habit!) and decided I preferred interview formats to solo shows, and that my main…
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Bad attitudes do not cause disability any more than good attitudes guarantee health

Disabled writer
This article was originally published on The Independent in August 2012 An ‘inspirational’ photo has been making its way around Twitter and Facebook. The photograph is of Oscar Pistorius, a disabled athlete, running with a small, disabled girl. The caption, “The only disability in life is a bad attitude”, is a quote from Scott Hamilton, a former figure skater who is also a cancer survivor. There are others, too, in the same vein, including one of a small child walking with prosthetic legs and the caption, “Your excuse is invalid”. For many disabled people, myself included, this kind of inspiration porn is tiresome at best, and damaging at worst. Using a snapshot of disabled people as a tool to convey a message to, primarily, non-disabled people, involves playing on stereotypes…
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